


in ,

Things are moving along really well. I have completed the first draft of Chapter 1 for Guardians. My current word count is 2161. I wrote it over a period of two days. I’ve had a few beta readers take a look at it and over all the comments seem good. I have to fix some “tightening” issues, which I’m going to have to do a search on the net to give me an example of what to look for re: that. Everyone has said a bit more tention at the end is needed, and I need to change the mood a little bit for some of the participants.

I have added the cover image to the side bar and I smile everytime I look at it. I’ll be putting up some wallpapers to download soon and you are more then welcome to use the image on the side if you’d like to promote it on your website. Let me know so I can mention you here as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

I want to thank the people who’ve found my site and talked about it in their blogs or on their podcasts. Also thank you to the people who’ve played my promo! If you have a promo, let’s trade.

Also keep up the comments if you have them. They are very helpful! Ok..back to work. I’ll be putting up an interview cast by this evening!


4 responses to “Progress”

  1. great job, Kimi! Love the cover! Now get back to work!

  2. Cover is really good. Hope to see a bigger version. My suggestions would be
    – Keep the title Guardians alone on top.
    – Move your name to the bottom right.
    – Font color for "Guardians" can be played around to give the same effect as the color of the girlz left hand – the light bluish tone.


  3. Congrats on getting Chapter 1 written. I look forward to hearing it soon. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Diane

    Really like the cover. Looking forward to hearing Chapter 1. Keep writing!