I need your help!

Ok everyone! I need your help. I’ve heard from one person on this question but I need everyone’s opinions. You’ve all had a chance to hear my podcast style. It’s pretty clear that I’m still a little raw and a little unconfident in my speaking skill but I think I’m getting better.

The temptation is to edit out all the “ums”, silence breaks, and mis-steps in my speaking. But one person told me that even with those things in there that the casts are good and that it makes it much more personalized. That I shouldn’t edit it that much. So…I’m asking you all to take my poll and tell me what you think. You can also leave a comment on this post with your suggestions/opinions! Please help me out and answer.

Take my poll here!


One response to “I need your help!”

  1. I think you should keep the editing to a minimum, for two reasons:

    1. Leaving the 'casts as is, uhms and all, will make you more likely to break the bad habits — because you know they'll stay there.

    2. All that editing is a lot of work! Save your editing for your writing — Do the cast, publish it, move on to the next project.

    One of my tricks for getting around the "its not polished enough!" fears is just to mark everything "Beta" ; ) So say that your podcasting is in perpetual beta mode… everyone will know it's not supposed to be perfect and you've got room to improve as you go along.

    Hope that helps!