Episode 42 โ€“ Part 1 Gaming and Writing

I’ve been into RPG’s and MMO’s for a long time. They’ve had a hand in helping me flesh out characters and bring to life some of my ideas. With the new game called The Secret War coming out in Beta May 11th, especially since it’s set in an urban fantasy environment, I’ve seen an opportunity to help me jump start Guardians and use the game to flesh out it’s world and characters. Not to mention to have a little fun while I’m at it.

In Part 1 – me and two other Templars (one of the three factions of The Secret World) talk about gaming and how it’s helped our writing. We also talk a bit about The Secret World.

We would love for you to join us and you can do so at <a href=”http://on.fb.me/tws-templars” target=”_blank”>http://on.fb.me/tws-templars</a>

We’d love to have you as Templars but understand if another faction suits you better!

I’ll try and get other links up soon.