A few good finds…

Because I felt so tired today, something I’m sure you’ll come across from time to time, I tried my best to put myself in the frame of mind to work on my project. The best way I could think of to do that was take a few minutes and go through some of my RSS feeds from my favorite writers, etc.

Here’s a few things I found that might be of interest to you. I’ll be adding a few of them to the Resources page as well.

Laurell K Hamilton puts up a post on her blog where she talks about realizing what SHE wants to do and what her Characters want to do are two different things and which way is better to go.

Lawrence Watt Evans, writes several great articles on his site dealing with writing, getting your work published, and sci-fi/fantasy in your work. It’s well worth going and looking over the site.

For anyone who wants to put a touch of the middle ages in their stories, I ran across a site on Castles and the like. It’s a great find for extra believability in your stories.