Update on Nano




For a day or so I’ve been behind. I’ve worked on my story everyday but I got caught up in changing my POV from third person to first. I didn’t feel I could write it well in third and I felt like I needed to change it all over before I moved on. In some ways this was a bad idea. In others, I added an enormous amount of hints that are good for the story. It also helped me flesh out not only my character but the plot.

The difference is seriously amazing and you’ll be able to see how since I recorded up to chapter 3 in third person before I decided it needed to be changed. Later after Nano is done I’ll post them and you’ll see the incredible difference.

Techniquely I only wrote 664 extra words after editing and adding. It’s hard to say how much extra I wrote considering I didn’t keep count of how much I deleted. But I am fairly happy with myself because I did several things today I was proud of. I wrote down 3/4th’s of the plot points for the story so I know where I’m going for a decent amount. I took the laptop downstairs to write while I waited for pizza to be delievered. And I wrote for 3 hours to make up some of my word count. Tomorrow I will need to try and write 4375 words to be caught up to my quota. If I’m a little behind I don’t think that will be a big deal. As long as I write.

Since tomorrow is Wednesday. I should be able to write a fair amount of the day as it’s my free day.

A friend of mine edited the impromtu podcast I did the other day in my chat room. So I may be putting it up shortly. ๐Ÿ™‚ Keep an eye out for it.