Time to Update – What’s going on now??

Hey gang! Wow when it rains it pours…or maybe that’s just a framing thing. 😉

You all know about what my plans were in June about getting my health and meds straightened out. Here is it in August and it’s not fully settled but we’ve gone through some changes and in the mean time more things have hit the fan causing a delay in my projects.

So here I am to tell you about all that and give you an update.

  • My sleep schedule is not fully correct but it’s better
  • My food isn’t great but it’s getting better
  • My psych meds have been changed and aren’t set but are holding me together…still looking for a Dr for that
  • I’m off my pain meds but still having headaches daily…we’re still looking for a Dr for that.
  • I haven’t been able to work out like I need to…I have nothing but excuses for that one.
    And then I got thrown another curve ball. Two weeks ago my mother went into ICU. Her kidneys shut down, she wasn’t coherent, and things were just bad. I, Soulhuntre, and Tatsumi all went to Kansas for five days. She slowly got better but was still not off the sedation when I left. It was decided that as she got better and when she was close to leaving the hospital I would come back and help her and my Dad.

Her kidney’s are now functioning, she’s still being fed through IV but the ventilator came out and she’s not on all the huge lines of medication she was. It’s hard to say how long she’ll remain in ICU because we’ve now got to get her to be able to sit up as well as talk again before they can move her to a regular room and then hopefully home. My father who can’t drive again by himself until December will be needing my help to drive him around to the hospital, to errands, and to meetings.  All things considered…I think I handled this little crisis pretty damn well. I couldn’t have done as well though without Soulhuntre and Tatsumi. The support I received from my friends and my twitter pals was really great as well so thank you.

So where does that leave me and my projects, other then “behind”? Well it had been my intention to take the laptop with me to work while in Kansas. I may be gone as long as 3 weeks to a month. But it blew up on me. So I’ll be taking pen and paper and if NOTHING else writing on Guardians so that I can just crank it out to my actors and into audio form.

I’ve canceled a few voice overs I was going to be doing. I’ve made arrangements for the voice overs I can still do. I won’t be able to go to DragonCon which I’m very bummed about because I wanted to record the meetings and hang out with some of my new UF writing friends.

And I’ll be eating correctly and walking my mom’s dog alot while I’m gone to see if I can keep up with the loosing weight. The only thing I don’t have taken care of really is what happens if I run out of pain meds but I’ll be talking to my Dr. before I leave on Monday about that. I got samples for the psch meds I need so I am good on that.

This week will see me updating all the bills so Soulhuntre can do that while I”m away. I’ve made some deals with WndWolf of Wonder Radio to do some editing for me for TaleChasing and I’m going to try and get an PIP episode up before I have to go. I have a few TC eps that can go up and I’ll be taking along the Zoom for totally raw updates.

I think that pretty much covers it. It’s my intention to get Guardians back on track and going without loosing to many of you in the mean time. To keep myself sane I will repeat the wise words told to me by lots of people I admire: “If anyone complains tell them you’ll be returning their money as soon as you can….oh wait….they aren’t paying for it.”

Seriously, it means bunches to me that you are all supportive and sticking with me.

Love ya,

Follow me on Twitter at KimiDreams if you want updates or call 201.830.1586 to leave comments.


2 responses to “Time to Update – What’s going on now??”

  1. Thanks Kimi. I hope everything works out for you and your family.


  2. […] a longer version in txt form here.    Update on Guardians: Aug 4, 2009: var gaJsHost = ((“https:” == […]