Fear – It’s no joke.

51kR7JZyVKL._SS500_ Sometimes the urge to hop back in bed and pull the covers over my head is overwhelming. I’ll be honest and fess up to having even done it a time or two. I realized in my dance class on Sunday that somewhere along the line, this fun amazing class that I looked forward to going to every chance I could – had turned into a source of fear.

My plot wall has taken on the same connotations. I stare out at it and where I use to see possibilities and exciting scenes…I begin to freak out at the possibility of writing them.

“They” aren’t kidding when they say fear is a huge factor in letting success pass you by. I don’t know who “they” are…but I’m sure they are out there and I’m sure they say it.

So what am I afraid of and how silly do I feel for being afraid in the first place? The answer to the last question is “I feel tremendously silly and foolish.” What I am afraid of is a little harder to answer, but we’ll give it a try.

  • Fear of disappointing people – What if I do something that disappoints my teacher, my family and friends, my readers
  • Fear of failure – what if I never manage to push myself to accomplish my weight, writing, etc goals?
  • Fear of success – I would have said this wasn’t the case but when I think about it…I am..what if I finish this book and I can’t crank out another one?



2 responses to “Fear – It’s no joke.”

  1. I'm write (*ahem*) right there with you. Will my writing be any good? Should I even bother to foist the drivel I put down to paper on others?

    Self-doubt can certainly hobble you. You just need to give yourself a pat on the back and get back on your feet.

    Keep plugging away and you'll make it.

  2. I sit, wibble, worry about what people will think when I release the latest chapter, if I'm going to push them past the point where they'll stop taking the emotional punishment and never come back…but considering what I've put them through already, I have less fear about it now.

    Now it's just general worry, which…I kind of get over by having a snack, then running at the computer, typing, and just doing whatever I planned to do in the first place.

    And then let the cycle start all over again.