Episode 35: Dragoncon 2008: Dark Secrets:Shadow Hearts

Yes, yes. I know this is two years old. Forgive me! But it’s here now! This one is a little more based on paranormal romance but it can apply to any character in other genres so don’t let that stop you from listening.

Dark secrets: Shadow Hearts
Track description – Tortured Anti-heroes or insufferable jerks. Why we love or hate alpha males and bad boys

Rita Herron
Jean Marie Ward
Carole Nellson Douglas
Jeanne Stein
Donna Lynch


3 responses to “Episode 35: Dragoncon 2008: Dark Secrets:Shadow Hearts”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kimiko and Gifted Reader, Jeanette Marsh. Jeanette Marsh said: RT @kimidreams: Episode 35: Dragoncon 2008: Dark Secrets:Shadow Hearts http://goo.gl/fb/bOEbp […]

  2. Justin

    I am new to tale chasing on iTunes but there are only 5 episodes showing

  3. kimidreams

    Hey there! It's a problem I'm working on. Give me a day or two and you should be able to get to all of them. ๐Ÿ™‚