Category: wip

  • What’s coming…



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    Yesterday, on the way over to pick up a friend and go to see Indy 4, the boss and I did a brainstorming discussion in the car. It’s pretty interesting and fairly short. I’ll be posting it shortly. I also recorded an update a few days ago which I’ll be getting up just as soon.…

  • I have some work….



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    Well it looks like I have my job cut out for me. I never do anything the easy way. LOL I mentioned I had a few people beta read for me. One of my readers (and thank you to all of you) mentioned that it seemed like what I wrote for Chapter 1 should really…

  • Progress



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    Things are moving along really well. I have completed the first draft of Chapter 1 for Guardians. My current word count is 2161. I wrote it over a period of two days. I’ve had a few beta readers take a look at it and over all the comments seem good. I have to fix some…

  • Quick Update



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    Hey gang. I just wanted to do a quick update to let you know my status. I just finished helping edit a podcast for PIP (bdsm podcast) and am finishing up a critique for Chris Lester. Over the weekend I wrote 925 words on Chapter 1 of “Guardians”. My cover is almost ready and when…

  • So excited!



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    I am so excited I just want to do the “happy dance”. A few days ago I wrote to a graphic artist named Ian C McLeinร‚ย whom I found on I have always loved the look of poser/photoshop images like he has on his page and when I decided to see about putting together a…

  • Ep 13: Learning to Plot




    Well I did it. I finally figured out how to put together a plot for a novel. Thanks largely to Holly Lisle the following podcast tells you from start to finish how I constructed the plot for the podcasting project soon to come. The following were mentioned in the podcast in no particular order: Holly…

  • Ep 7: Brainstorming Session




    Kimi brainstorms about a WIP with friends in her chat room.